“Bells & Whispers; A Yuletide Victorian Ghost Story Soiree” is the third ambitious show for Dead Reckoning. This one-hour trunk show is the brainchild of Andrew Marchetti (co-founder) and Amber Kelly (co-founder). In the forgotten tradition of telling tall tales around a dwindling fire, Bells & Whispers is an experiential theatrical event inspired by the penny dreadfuls, the gothic poetry, and the periodical volumes that occupied the dark and gloomy winter months of the Victorian household. In the parlor of a quartet of expert storytellers, you’re invited to sip a tipple, relax in an armchair, and cozy up under a heavy blanket as the ‘scary ghost stories’ manifest. It’s all in good fun, games and parlor tricks… or is it…
Featuring the talented Rick Smith, Amy J Johnson, Orion Lay-Sleeper and Ashely Bagot, this is a must-see seasonal production that cannot be missed.